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Type Manga




Synopsis Bambino!

Shogo Ban, a college student from Fukuoka, likes to cook. Thanks to the owner of the restaurant where he works part-time, he finds himself working at the line of Roppongi's best Italian restaurant, Trattoria Baccanale! Unfortunately, he discovers that the real deal isn't quite as easy as he'd thought. The story follows Ban as he struggles to keep up with the hectic workload and his co-workers, along with issues outside the kitchen like his relationship with his girlfriend Eri, who he left behind in Fukuoka.

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Chapters of Bambino!

Vol.15 Chapter 164: Il Giorno Prima (The Day Before) [End]Vol.15 Chapter 163: Pioggia (2) (Rain)Vol.15 Chapter 162: Pioggia (1) (Rain)Vol.15 Chapter 161: Preparare (6) (Prepare)Vol.15 Chapter 160: Preparare (5) (Prepare)Vol.15 Chapter 159: Preparare (4) (Prepare)Vol.15 Chapter 158: Preparare (3) (Prepare)Vol.15 Chapter 157: Preparare (2) (Prepare)Vol.15 Chapter 156: Preparare (1) (Prepare)Vol.15 Chapter 155: La Festa e Finita (The Party is Over)Vol.15 Chapter 154: Festa (4) (Party)Vol.14 Chapter 153: Festa (3) (Party)Vol.14 Chapter 152: Festa (2) (Party)Vol.14 Chapter 151: Festa (1) (Party)Vol.14 Chapter 150: Scassare (5) (Smash)Vol.14 Chapter 149: Scassare (4) (Smash)Vol.14 Chapter 148: Scassare (3) (Smash)Vol.14 Chapter 147: Scassare (2) (Smash)Vol.14 Chapter 146: Scassare (1) (Smash)Vol.14 Chapter 145: Parte (Share)Vol.14 Chapter 144: Caccia (14) (Hunt)Vol.14 Chapter 143: Caccia (13) (Hunt)Vol.13 Chapter 142: Caccia (12) (Hunt)Vol.13 Chapter 141: Caccia (11) (Hunt)Vol.13 Chapter 140: Un Ragazzo ed Un-Coltello (A Boy and a Knife)Vol.13 Chapter 139: Caccia (10) (Hunt)Vol.13 Chapter 138: Caccia (9) (Hunt)Vol.13 Chapter 137: Caccia (8) (Hunt)Vol.13 Chapter 136: Caccia (7) (Hunt)Vol.13 Chapter 135: Caccia (6) (Hunt)Vol.13 Chapter 134: Caccia (5) (Hunt)Vol.13 Chapter 133: Caccia (4) (Hunt)Vol.13 Chapter 132: Caccia (3) (Hunt)Vol.12 Chapter 131: Caccia (2) (Hunt)Vol.12 Chapter 130: Caccia (1) (Hunt)Vol.12 Chapter 129: Erba (Bud)Vol.12 Chapter 128: Carne Tutta Nervi (4) (Nerve-filled Meat)Vol.12 Chapter 127: Carne Tutta Nervi (3) (Nerve-filled Meat)Vol.12 Chapter 126: Carne Tutta Nervi (2) (Nerve-filled Meat)Vol.12 Chapter 125: Carne Tutta Nervi (1) (Nerve-filled Meat)Vol.12 Chapter 124: Cacciatore (2) (Huntsman)Vol.12 Chapter 123: Cacciatore (1) (Huntsman)Vol.12 Chapter 122: Intiepidire (Cool)Vol.12 Chapter 121: Aggiungere (Add)Vol.11 Chapter 120: Taglio (Cut)Vol.11 Chapter 119: Battesimo (5) (Baptism)Vol.11 Chapter 118: Battesimo (4) (Baptism)Vol.11 Chapter 117: Battesimo (3) (Baptism)Vol.11 Chapter 116: Battesimo (2) (Baptism)Vol.11 Chapter 115: Battesimo (1) (Baptism)Vol.11 Chapter 114: Dare (Give)Vol.11 Chapter 113: Notte di Natale (5) (Christmas Night)Vol.11 Chapter 112: Notte di Natale (4) (Christmas Night)Vol.11 Chapter 111: Notte di Natale (3) (Christmas Night)Vol.11 Chapter 110: Notte di Natale (2) (Christmas Night)Vol.10 Chapter 109: Notte di Natale (1) (Christmas Night)Vol.10 Chapter 108: Banchetto (2) (Banquet)Vol.10 Chapter 107: Banchetto (1) (Banquet)Vol.10 Chapter 106: Bagnare (Soak)Vol.10 Chapter 105: Acquoso (Damp)Vol.10 Chapter 104: Bagnarsi (2) (Drenched)Vol.10 Chapter 103: Bagnarsi (1) (Drenched)Vol.10 Chapter 102: Dolce (Sweet)Vol.10 Chapter 101: Trabbocare (Overflow)Vol.10 Chapter 100: Motivazione (Motivation)Vol.10 Chapter 99: Al Sangue (2) (Rare)Vol.09 Chapter 98: Al Sangue (1) (Rare)Vol.09 Chapter 97: Provare (4) (Try)Vol.09 Chapter 96: Provare (3) (Try)Vol.09 Chapter 95: Provare (2) (Try)Vol.09 Chapter 94: Provare (1) (Try)Vol.09 Chapter 93: Rosa (2) (Rose)Vol.09 Chapter 92: Rosa (1) (Rose)Vol.09 Chapter 91: Gli Innamorati (2) (The Lovers)Vol.09 Chapter 90: Gli Innamorati (1) (The Lovers)Vol.09 Chapter 89: Maturare (Mature)Vol.09 Chapter 88: Marcire (2) (Rot)Vol.08 Chapter 87: Marcire (1) (Rot)Vol.08 Chapter 86: Frullare (Whisk)Vol.08 Chapter 85: Merenda (Snack)Vol.08 Chapter 84: Assaggiare (Taste)Vol.08 Chapter 83: Scongelare (Thaw)Vol.08 Chapter 82: Fondere (Melt)Vol.08 Chapter 81: Creare (Create)Vol.08 Chapter 80: Conchiglia (Shell)Vol.08 Chapter 79: Temperatura (Temperature)Vol.08 Chapter 78: Roteare (Roll)Vol.08 Chapter 77: Battere (Dice)Vol.07 Chapter 76: Competizione (7) (Competition)Vol.07 Chapter 75: Competizione (6) (Competition)Vol.07 Chapter 74: Competizione (5) (Competition)Vol.07 Chapter 73: Competizione (4) (Competition)Vol.07 Chapter 72: Competizione (3) (Competition)Vol.07 Chapter 71: Competizione (2) (Competition)Vol.07 Chapter 70: Competizione (1) (Competition)Vol.07 Chapter 69: Prendere (Take)Vol.07 Chapter 68: Presentazione (Presentation)Vol.07 Chapter 67: Legare (8) (Connect)Vol.07 Chapter 66: Legare (7) (Connect)Vol.06 Chapter 65: Legare (6) (Connect)Vol.06 Chapter 64: Legare (5) (Connect)Vol.06 Chapter 63: Legare (4) (Connect)Vol.06 Chapter 62: Legare (3) (Connect)Vol.06 Chapter 61: Legare (2) (Connect)Vol.06 Chapter 60: Legare (1) (Connect)Vol.06 Chapter 59: Immaginare (Imagine)Vol.06 Chapter 58: A Fuoco Vivo (High Heat)Vol.06 Chapter 57: Incidere (2) (Engrave)Vol.06 Chapter 56: Incidere (1) (Engrave)Vol.06 Chapter 55: Assaggiare (Taste)Vol.06 Chapter 54: Raccogliere (Gather)Vol.05 Chapter 53: Unione (Unity)Vol.05 Chapter 52: Apparecchiare (Set the Table)Vol.05 Chapter 51: Scegliere (Choose)Vol.05 Chapter 50: Picante (Hot)Vol.05 Chapter 49: Trattare (Negotiate)Vol.05 Chapter 48: Giorno di Paga (Pay Day)Vol.05 Chapter 47: Compleanno (4) (Birthday)Vol.05 Chapter 46: Compleanno (3) (Birthday)Vol.05 Chapter 45: Compleanno (2) (Birthday)Vol.05 Chapter 44: Compleanno (1) (Birthday)Vol.05 Chapter 43: Avvolgere (Cover)Vol.04 Chapter 42: Pestare (Crush)Vol.04 Chapter 41: Girare (Turn)Vol.04 Chapter 40: Braci (3) (Ember)Vol.04 Chapter 39: Braci (2) (Ember)Vol.04 Chapter 38: Braci (1) (Ember)Vol.04 Chapter 37: Secondo Piatto (Second Course)Vol.04 Chapter 36: Primo Piatto (First Course)Vol.04 Chapter 35: Antipasto (Appetizer)Vol.04 Chapter 34: Ammollare (Steep)Vol.04 Chapter 33: Asciugare (Dry)Vol.04 Chapter 32: Cameriere (2) (Waiter)Vol.03 Chapter 31: Cameriere (1) (Waiter)Vol.03 Chapter 30: Operetta (Light Opera)Vol.03 Chapter 29: Bruciare (Burn)Vol.03 Chapter 28: Marcire (Decay)Vol.03 Chapter 27: Ospite (Guest)Vol.03 Chapter 26: Ondeggiare (Shake)Vol.03 Chapter 25: Sala (Hall)Vol.03 Chapter 24: Calore (Heat)Vol.03 Chapter 23: Prezzo (Price)Vol.03 Chapter 22: Mamma (Mother)Vol.03 Chapter 21: Sapore (2) (Flavor)Vol.02 Chapter 20: Sapore (1) (Flavor)Vol.02 Chapter 19: Sepatare (Separate)Vol.02 Chapter 18: Scuoetere (Shake)Vol.02 Chapter 17: Mischiare (4) (Blend)Vol.02 Chapter 16: Mischiare (3) (Blend)Vol.02 Chapter 15: Mischiare (2) (Blend)Vol.02 Chapter 14: Mischiare (1) (Blend)Vol.02 Chapter 13: Ripetere (Repeat)Vol.02 Chapter 12: Montare (Rise)Vol.02 Chapter 11: Bollire (Boil)Vol.02 Chapter 10: Mescolare (Mix)Vol.01 Chapter 9: Mantecare (Cook to Creaminess)Vol.01 Chapter 8: Giorno di Chiusura (Closing Day)Vol.01 Chapter 7: Sbucciare (Peel)Vol.01 Chapter 6: Scottato (Scalded)Vol.01 Chapter 5: Rafano (Horseradish)Vol.01 Chapter 4: Tritare (Mince)Vol.01 Chapter 3: Su Piatto (On a Plate)Vol.01 Chapter 2: Brodo (Broth)Vol.01 Chapter 1: Accendere (Ignition)