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To Your Eternity

To Your Eternity
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

To Your Eternity


Fumetsu no Anata e


To You, The Immortal


To Your Eternity



Synopsis To Your Eternity

An immortal being was sent to the surface of the earth and met a boy living alone in the middle of tundra.

The being can take the shape of dying things, but only if the "impetus" is stronger than the previous one. What sort of experiences and meetings will the being encounter while living forever?


Yoshitoki Oima


Yoshitoki Oima

Keywords: read to your eternity, to your eternity english, to your eternity eng, download to your eternity eng, read to your eternity online

Chapters of To Your Eternity

Chapter 194.2Chapter 194.1Chapter 193.2Chapter 193.1Chapter 192.3Chapter 192.2Chapter 192.1Chapter 191.3Chapter 191.2Chapter 191.1Chapter 190.4Chapter 190.3Chapter 190.2Chapter 190.1Chapter 189.1Chapter 188.5Chapter 188.4Chapter 188.3Chapter 188.2Chapter 188.1Chapter 187.7Chapter 187.6Chapter 187.5Chapter 187.4Chapter 187.3Chapter 187.2Chapter 187.1Chapter 186.4Chapter 186.3Chapter 186.2Chapter 186.1Chapter 185.2Chapter 185.1Chapter 184.3Chapter 184.2Chapter 184.1Chapter 183.2Chapter 183.1Chapter 182.4Chapter 182.3Chapter 182.2Chapter 182.1Chapter 181.3Chapter 181.1Chapter 180.2Chapter 180.1Chapter 179Chapter 178Chapter 177Chapter 176Chapter 175Chapter 174Chapter 173Chapter 172Chapter 171.3Chapter 171.2Chapter 171.1Chapter 170.4Chapter 170.3Chapter 170.2Chapter 170.1Chapter 169.2Chapter 169.1Chapter 168.2Chapter 168.1Chapter 167.2Chapter 167.1Chapter 167Chapter 166.2Chapter 166Chapter 165.2Chapter 165Chapter 164.2Chapter 164Chapter 163.2Chapter 163Chapter 162.2Chapter 162Chapter 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Not Reach (2)Chapter 129.1: Words That Do Not Reach (1)Chapter 128.3: The Fight Continues (3)Chapter 128.2: The Fight Continues (2)Chapter 128.1: The Fight Continues (1)Chapter 127.2: The Place Where He Is (2)Chapter 127.1: The Place Where He Is (1)Chapter 126.2: The One Who Is Gone (2)Chapter 126.1: The One Who Is Gone (1)Chapter 125.2: Secret Base (2)Chapter 125.1: Secret Base (1)Chapter 124.2: Mizuha (2)Chapter 124.1: Mizuha (1)Chapter 123.2: Guide (2)Chapter 123.1: Guide (1)Chapter 122.2: A Joining Of HeartsChapter 122.1: A Joining Of HeartsChapter 121.2: Arriving At Home (2)Chapter 121.1: Arriving At Home (1)Whereabouts of the Outsider (2)Whereabouts of the Outsider (1)Chapter 120: Path of the Outsider (2)Chapter 120: Path of the Outsider (1)Chapter 119.2: New Encounter (2)Chapter 119.1: New Encounter (1)Chapter 118.2: Reins (2)Chapter 118.1: Reins (1)Chapter 117: Peaceful WorldChapter 116: End of an EraChapter 115.2: A Celebration of the Resurrected (2)Chapter 115.1: A Celebration of the Resurrected (1)Chapter 114.2: Of Dusts and Demi-Gods (2)Chapter 114.1: Of Dusts and Demi-Gods (1)Chapter 113: A ReversalChapter 112.5: Then, Towards the Sunrise (2)Chapter 112: Then, Towards the SunriseChapter 111: DawnChapter 110: A Vessel's WorthChapter 109: An Empty CradleChapter 108: QuickeningChapter 107: A Mother's FightChapter 106: The Death of an ImmortalChapter 105.3: The Setting Sun (3)Chapter 105.2: The Setting Sun (2)Chapter 105.1: The Setting Sun (1)Chapter 104: ThisChapter 103: That Which You Wish to ProtectChapter 102: A Line CrossedChapter 101: A Rope of LifeChapter 100: The Immortal ArmyChapter 99: Memories of Fresh MeatChapter 98.5: The Three Warriors (2)Chapter 98: The Three Warriors (1)Chapter 97: To Wear Down One's SelfChapter 96: Those Who SabotageChapter 95: Absolute TerritoryChapter 94: A Morning of ResurrectionChapter 93: Where the Ship is HeadedChapter 92: A Gambled ConfidenceChapter 91: The Identity of the Wise OneChapter 90: A Dedication that Resonates in the DrainsChapter 89: Behind the VeilChapter 88: An Unknown PainChapter 87: The Value of FleshChapter 86: Selection of SoulsChapter 85: To New TerritoryChapter 84: ResonanceChapter 83: ControlChapter 82: A Gamble Towards The FutureChapter 81: Spreading ConsciousnessChapter 80: A Bottomless EnemyChapter 79: Way of Black FireChapter 78: The Curtain Ripped AwayChapter 77: Imagination and RealityChapter 76: Beyond DreamsChapter 75: Punishment and PardonVol.08 Chapter 74: The Will of the FleshVol.08 Chapter 73: The Scales of FoolsVol.08 Chapter 72: A Flash of HopeVol.08 Chapter 71: Party Of HereticsVol.08 Chapter 70: Fortune's DestinationVol.08 Chapter 69: A Silent OathVol.08 Chapter 68: FlusteredVol.08 Chapter 67: The Saint's ExpeditionVol.08 Chapter 66: Life in the CastleVol.08 Chapter 65: HospitalityVol.07 Chapter 64: Visible YouthVol.07 Chapter 63: A Pleasant PrinceVol.07 Chapter 62: The Awaited OneVol.07 Chapter 61: CompanionsVol.07 Chapter 60: Destination of Long-Held WishesVol.07 Chapter 59: A Pulsating TestamentVol.07 Chapter 58: The Vengeful Left HandVol.07 Chapter 57: Poisonous TeachingsVol.07 Chapter 56: Reincarnating AffectionVol.07 Chapter 55: Dull DaysVol.06 Chapter 54: EchoesVol.06 Chapter 53: The Third SunriseVol.06 Chapter 52: Farewell Towards a ReunionVol.06 Chapter 51: The Fire of FarewellVol.06 Chapter 50: Wandering Murderous IntentVol.06 Chapter 49: In Order to Move ForwardVol.06 Chapter 48: Beyond the SelectionVol.06 Chapter 47: Towards DawnVol.06 Chapter 46: Setting SailVol.06 Chapter 45: SeparationVol.05 Chapter 44: The HeraldVol.05 Chapter 43: The Gift's SenderVol.05 Chapter 42: The Children's DreamsVol.05 Chapter 41: A New PowerVol.05 Chapter 40: The Girl Named TonariVol.05 Chapter 39: Proud WarriorsVol.05 Chapter 38: InquiryVol.05 Chapter 37: A New FormVol.05 Chapter 36: Island of Freedom, JeannandaVol.05 Chapter 35: The Weaver GirlVol.04 Chapter 34: The Sealed Land of DeathVol.04 Chapter 33: Sights Set HighVol.04 Chapter 32: Journey of DoubtVol.04 Chapter 31: AwakeningVol.04 Chapter 30: House upon a HillVol.04 Chapter 29: The Mask's Final DaysVol.04 Chapter 28: A Megalith to Rend the EarthVol.04 Chapter 27: A Present From the PastVol.04 Chapter 26: CrossroadsVol.04 Chapter 25: A Rocky PathVol.03 Chapter 24: "A New Family"Vol.03 Chapter 23: The Lucky Older BrotherVol.03 Chapter 22: The Battle of BrothersVol.03 Chapter 21: The Encounter Before the ReturnVol.03 Chapter 20: The Superficies of Man and MonsterVol.03 Chapter 19: Deep MemoriesVol.03 Chapter 18: A New LifeVol.03 Chapter 17: Left to His Own EndsVol.03 Chapter 16: Guinea PigVol.03 Chapter 15: The Two MonstersVol.03 Chapter 14: Boys who Wish for ChangeVol.02 Chapter 13: Our GoalVol.02 Chapter 12: Those who Gather and Those who StealVol.02 Chapter 11: One with Whom to TravelVol.02 Chapter 10: Playing with DollsVol.02 Chapter 9: A Death with MeaningVol.02 Chapter 8: Liberation PlanVol.02 Chapter 7: A Large VesselVol.02 Chapter 6: Yanome, a Great Place to LiveVol.02 Chapter 5: The Journey of ReminiscenceVol.01 Chapter 4: A Small Step ForwardVol.01 Chapter 3: Playing HouseVol.01 Chapter 2: A Disobedient GirlVol.01 Chapter 1: The Final One